Josh Straub

Josh Straub

Accessibility Consultant
Apex Access

Roundtable Leader



Beyond Empathy: What Makes a Studio Value Accessibility?

How do accessible games get made? Accessibility Educator Josh Straub will lead a discussion that delves into why the gaming community wants to make our games accessible, and what tools and techniques do we use to make our games accessible? Come with questions as well as success stories as participants will work together to answer the question: how do we make accessible games now and in the future?


Josh Straub is the Editor-in-Chief at Can I Play That?, the leading game journalism site for disabled gamers, featuring disability game reviews and perspectives on video game accessibility. He also was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of 1 and has been wheelchair bound all his life. Through his non-profit AbilityPoints and his work as an accessibility consultant he is a leading educator for game developers in the field of accessibility. Straub is also pursuing a Ph.D in Human Factors and Ergonomics at the University of Minnesota.