Lillian Rivera

Lillian Rivera

Director of Education & Evaluation
Hollywood Commission

Workshop Leader



Inclusive and Harassment-free Workplaces 

The Inclusive Sets and Harassment Free Workplaces Training developed by the Hollywood Commission is a data informed DEI, harassment prevention, and bystander intervention training.

The training integrates bystander intervention techniques and unconscious bias training through the study of real-life scenario case studies. The training addresses the demands of workers to create inclusive environments while still complying with state harassment laws.

Our interactive and engaging workshop will support gaming industry leaders and executives with defining and recognizing harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination. Participants will learn accessible strategies and skills to address unwelcome behavior, examine the dynamics and possible interventions in real world entertainment scenarios and understand the brain science behind biases that lead to discrimination and microaggressions


With two decades’ worth of experience in capacity building and leadership, Lillian Rivera has dedicated her life work to creating environments that celebrate our unique journeys. She has developed Diversity & Inclusion strategies for a variety of organizations including the New York City Department of Education, Con Edison, and Fossil. She partners with organizations working towards addressing the issues impacting under-represented communities. She has developed trainings focused on system racism, implicit bias, gender inequalities and intersectional perspectives.

Ms. Rivera has appeared on numerous media outlets including MIC, AOL’s Bold, CNN en Español and NBC Latino, offering her expertise on issues impacting the lives of folks living at the intersections. Some of her published works can be found on the Huffington Post, the Advocate and the Feminist Wire. She is a recipient of the Rockwood Fellowship on Race and Gender and served as the Executive Director at Hetrick-Martin Institute: New Jersey. In her most recent position, she serves as Director of Education & Evaluation at The Hollywood Commission. In this position she oversees evaluations activities and provides education sessions on creating inclusive entertainment workplace