How to Invest in Successful Projects
How do you differentiate between 'risky' and different or unusual? With many new avenues of funding and publishing available in the games space, discussing the unique curatorial perspectives, challenges, and insights used to make decisions and evaluate projects is more important than ever. The focus of this roundtable would be for decision makers, investors, and publishers to develop new insights and questions attendees can ask themselves and their teams when deciding what projects to back and support with funding, resources, and visibility. Attendees seeking funding will also have a chance to provide their perspective and learn what can be incorporated into their pitch meetings and decks that will help them craft their narrative more clearly and to understand their funding audience better. The discussion will take into consideration evolving audiences, how to help understand barriers teams from marginalized communities might be facing when pitching, as well as expanding views on what kinds of genres and gameplay can be successful through this lens.
Kelly Wallick has worked in the tech and video game industry for over a decade. She’s the founder of the Indie MEGABOOTH, former Chair of the Independent Games Festival and a Partner and Community Builder at the 1Up Fund. In addition, Kelly is proud to serve on the GLAAD Media Award Advisory Board. She is a passionate believer in the strength and impact of community and implementing long term change to support creative, unique and diverse voices.