Ralph Osterhout

Ralph Osterhout

CEO & Founder

Osterhout Group

Q2, 2008 to Present:  Osterhout Group (parent to ODG)- Development of Product Lines and spin-off companies for Consumer, Industrial and Defense customers, specializing in the integration of new and evolving technology in performance-oriented products whose range includes: electro-optics, biometrics, wireless, imaging, life-support, gaming and illumination. CEO/Founder.

2006 to Q2-2008: Sr. VP- Advanced Technology Group, SNC Corporate.  Responsible for
Product and Technology Roadmap Development and execution corporate-wide.

2002 to 2008:  Inter-4, Defense Contractor. Military Computers, PDAs, Electro-Optic
Sensors, Robotic Vehicles, Underwater Navigation Systems, Laser Rangefinders, Day/Night
Soldier Vision Systems, Unattended Ground Sensors, Broadband Wireless Networks and Mini-UAVs VP/Founder- (acquired by Sierra Nevada Corp in 2003).

1999 to Present:  Osterhout Design Group:  High Tech Toy, Consumer and Industrial Product Design, CEO/Founder

1990 to 1999:  Machina: Consumer Electronics

1985 to 1990: S-Tron: Defense Contractor

1976 to 1990: Tekna: Sport Scuba Diving Equipment and Consumer Products